Saturday, December 19, 2020

Is it spring or autumn??? Please don't make a joke on me ....

Never expected to be feeling this way again, not at this point in my life. Don't even know when or how it happened. Suddenly I was struck unprepared! I thought I will never ever be bothered by this kind of incidents anymore. How wrong am I??? Life is just full of surprises. Can never tell what and when is the next thing going to give me a shock.

Spring or autumn? I am wishing neither. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Couldn't get a handle on it ...

Impatience. A feeling of air rising up from the gut, gushing upwards through the chest and translated into nasty words, targeting everyone except self. Just embarrassing ..... and tiring. Just don't know how to get a handle on it ..... and it's a shitty feeling ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Just feel like writing again ... after ...

 A decade of adventures, boring and non-boring alike, a decade of "settled" life, adventurous and non-adventurous alike, another decade of existence, at times meaningful and dull at other times .....