Saturday, January 23, 2010

An early SMS

6:45am. "Mr. Fung, how do I ...... ". I didn't really know how to reply to the SMS. We talked over the phone for more than 2 hours the night before. The whole day, I've been trying to figure out ...

"How does one who requires meaning finds meaning in a meaningless universe?"


Friday, January 15, 2010


At the bottom of the pit, and it feels like shit. Get me out of here!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What a journey ...

It's 5 minutes to midnight. I switched off the lights of the living hall and walked out to my balcony. Glanced at the clock again ... 23:58. There's already a sizable crowd on the ground level, all waiting for the fireworks to start. Then, 10 9 8 ...... 1, everyone shouted Happy New Year .... the sky lit up with fireworks across the KL skyline. Yes, it was quite spectacular. I had a funny feeling, something I had not expected. As I witnessed the various colors lighting up the dark night, I felt a sense of achievement. I realised that I have never given myself a pat on my own back all these years. Reflecting back the years of the Noughties, indeed I've come a long way. And I guess I'm proud of the fact that I've "lived" my life despite the many trials and tribulations. I'm glad that the past 10 years wasn't a walk in the clouds. Call it coincidence or perfect planning, the end of the Noughties marks the beginning of my next chapter. I'm excited about the Twenty-tens as I will be embarking on a different type of journey, one that requires lots of patience and wisdom. 我的感触, 我歌...故我在